This study was carried out to assess the ―Stakeholders‘ Perceptions on the Management of Students‘ Discipline in Secondary Schools in Okene and Lokoja Education Zones, Kogi State‖. The researcher was interested in assessing the various forms and techniques of managing students‘ discipline in both urban and rural areas in Okene and Lokoja Education Zones, Kogi State, Nigeria. The study used survey method that covers all public secondary schools within Okene and Lokoja education zones in Kogi State. The study population was therefore made up of Principals, Teachers and MOE Officials with the total of seven hundred and thirty one (731). A total of (220) respondents were used as sample for the study; i.e. 20 principals, 163 teachers and 37 MOE officials. The instrument used was adopted questionnaire to collect relevant data. Pilot study was conducted that yielded reliability coefficient of 0.82. Four (4) hypotheses were formulated and the testing was done by using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results showed that, various forms of indiscipline existed among students in secondary schools which hindered their academic performance. It was found that lateness to school, drinking of alcohol, rudeness, smoking, and drug addict among others were forms of indiscipline. These forms of indiscipline affected teaching and learning. The study also revealed that these forms of indiscipline caused students‘ disloyalty for their teachers. The study concluded that, there were no proper disciplinary actions in many schools in the areas. However, it was recommended that head teachers and teachers need to use different strategies such as discussion with parent and signing of undertaken by the students to improve safety, support, academic challenge, and social-emotional learning to monitor the effectiveness of interventions and to ensure that school management policies positively influence students‘ discipline. Also, school Head teachers, teachers, parents and local communities have to do more in terms of teaching the students about good behavior and respect, to improve discipline among students in Okene and Lokoja Education Zones, Kogi State. The officials of MOE should monitor and supervise the schools on regular basis.
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